Fidelity Simulation and Training featured new technology at the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation & Education Conference (I/ITSEC) in Orlando, Florida.
Fidelity demonstrated Close Air Support and Terminal Air Control training capabilities using the Call for Fire Trainer (CFFT) with an enhanced visual system, improved target resolution, a pilot-in-the-loop station, and simulated binoculars that provide a 360-degree field of view.
Other featured technology included the new CFFT laptop system; a system-integrated, head-mounted display; a simulated forward entry device; and new observation aids simulation, such as flares, infrared beacons, laser pointers, and wing and tail marking lights.
The CFFT is an indirect fire mission trainer that supports basic through advanced joint fires observer training tasks in artillery, close air support, mortars, and naval gunfire.
In response to the needs of military customers to provide effective training in the development, planning and execution joint fires missions, Fidelity worked to incorporate a number of valuable technical elements into its training systems. Importantly, Fidelity was diligent in its efforts to ensure that, while leveraging technological advances, the implemented features are value-added components that will reduce overall costs to its customers.
In direct response to the Joint Chiefs of Staff doctrinal changes for joint fires and effects training, Fidelity enhanced its artillery trainer to include multiple means and assets from which to execute a mission. This artillery trainer evolved into a multi-echelon joint fires trainer for artillery, mortars, naval gunfire, and close air support tactics and procedures. It serves as both task trainer and mission planning tool. Notably, this enhanced training system passed muster by successfully interoperating with other military training systems and components.
To support missions that require the use and coordination of airborne weapons delivery platforms, Fidelity’s development efforts resulted in the production of enhanced visual systems with high-resolution target identification capability and expanded fields of view.
In 2006, Fidelity developed and launched a non-tactical pocket forward entry device (N-PFED) for use with training systems. The N-PFED is a replica of the actual PFED used by soldiers in the field to enter call for fire and 9-line Close Air Support data. Since the non-tactical device runs the tactical PFED load, the software looks and operates exactly as the solider would see it in the field. Due to the cost of actual PFEDs, many soldiers are unable to bring them to training classes. The N-PFED’s economical cost will allow soldiers the opportunity to train call for fire missions with a device that emulates the one used in actual field operations.
To meet the training demands for units on the go, Fidelity developed a fully capable laptop version of the CFFT. The laptop CFFT offers all of the training features and capabilities of the full CFFT, including use of virtual military equipment, in an easily transportable laptop configuration.
Colonel Craig G. Langhauser presented a certificate of appreciation to Fidelity for contributions to “Training the 21st Century Joint Force”. The certificate acknowledged Fidelity’s participation in an interoperability demonstration with other Armed Forces training systems at I/ITSEC. Using the connected training systems, soldiers participated in a joint forces exercise demonstration.