Rep. Gerlach and U.S. Defense Officials Tour Manufacturing Facility, Receive 10,000th Unit of Production Order
READING, PA. – May 3, 2012 – Rep. Jim Gerlach (R-6th Dist.) and U.S. defense officials visited Fidelity Technologies Corporation (Fidelity) in Reading, PA on Thursday, May 3 to celebrate the delivery of the 10,000th power distribution system designed to safely distribute power to mobile compounds in the field. “Fidelity delivered a solution that allows the men and women serving our country across the globe to carry out their missions effectively and more safely than ever before,” said Congressman Jim Gerlach (PA-6th District). “It is truly an honor to recognize the hard work and ingenuity of every worker at the Muhlenberg Township plant as well as Fidelity’s commitment to creating jobs in this community.”
The Power Distribution Illumination System, Electrical (PDISE) safely sends the power from generators to wherever it is needed to power lights and any other mission-critical and life-saving electrical equipment in the field. Fidelity has produced 10,000 units, totaling $83 million, of a contract with the U.S. Army worth as much as $124 million, depending on the total number of units the Army will ultimately purchase.
At the event, Fidelity officials also expressed appreciation to the U.S. Army for the opportunity to manufacture the PDISE units. Representing the customer at today’s event were: Bob Thoens; PM MEP Product Director Large Power Source, Col. Brian Cummings; Project Manager Mobil Electric Power and Bill Sverapa, Deputy Program Executive Officer of PEO-C3T.
The key properties of the PDISE are portability and safety, allowing the military access to a reliable source of electricity distribution anywhere in the world. The system can be used safely and efficiently in all types of weather and allows the Army to reduce the number of generators, personnel and equipment in the field necessary to support a forward deployment. In addition to the equipment and personnel reductions, deploying the system saves 275,000 gallons of fuel per year, per wartime brigade, saving money and reducing the personnel risks associated with convoy transportation of fuel in battle zones.
“The success of the PDISE program for both the Government and Fidelity Technologies is a true example of a strong industry/government partnership,” said David Gulati, president of Fidelity. “We are proud to have created 75 jobs in a region that has seen its manufacturing base deteriorate over the last several decades. Hopefully we will receive more contracts of this type to further boost the local economy and create good, stable jobs.”
Fidelity was awarded the contract based on its competitive bid and proven ability to deliver a quality product. The units have received extensive testing by the military in extreme environments such as rain, heat and freezing temperatures. Fidelity officials note that not one unit delivered to the field has been returned as faulty since the program began three years ago.
“We’re proud to continue to supply the needs of the Army and enhance the safety of our war fighters,” Gulati added.